Beauty in Black Star Breaks Down Biggest Part 2 Twists, From Kimmie’s First Kill to Her Shocking Finale Fate

Kimmie is a woman on a mission in Part 2 of Tyler Perry‘s Beauty in Black, now streaming on Netflix.

Following her sister’s abduction at the end of Part 1, “the switch in Kimmie’s brain has completely flipped,” star Taylor Polidore Williams tells TVLine. “As soon as she saw [Sylvie] being brought into this crazy world, that’s when it kicks in for her to finally fight. Watching Part 1, I was like, ‘Oh my God, fight back. Please fight back!’”

And fight she does. After leaving Body for dead in the motel parking lot, Kimmie turns her attention to Delinda. Shotgun in hand, Kimmie busts into Delinda’s apartment, demanding answers about Sylvie’s whereabouts. Once it’s clear that Delinda isn’t going to talk, Kimmie shuts her up permanently, blowing her brains out with a single shot.

“I was extremely surprised,” Williams says of Kimmie’s first kill in Part 2. “I was like, ‘She gets to do what?!’ And everyone really wanted to watch when it happened. No one could be in the room [when the special effects team blew up the fake head], so we were all shouting around the monitors waiting see it go off. It was a fun day on set.”

Another fun day came when Williams filmed Kimmie’s fight scene with Roy (Julian Horton), which begins with her hitting him over the head with a champagne bottle and ends with her pushing him out of a hotel window. Williams says this battle of the sexes was especially thrilling for her as a “millennial kid of the 2000s” who grew up with a “girls rule, boys drool” mentality.

“I love when women get to kick men’s butts,” she says. “That femme fatale genre brings me so much satisfaction. Charlie’s Angels is one of my favorite movies — with Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore. Anytime there’s an evil man that is just misogynistic and horrible, and the woman gets to get her revenge, it sits in my heart.”

But Kimmie’s biggest surprise in Part 2 doesn’t come in the form of violence. It comes in the form of a question — a very big question — from Horace (Ricco Ross), who’s so determined to keep his kids from inheriting his money and company that he asks Kimmie to be his wife.

“It’s a sugar baby’s dream, I guess, to have a sugar daddy who doesn’t want any sugar, but still gives you a company and gives you millions,” Williams says with a laugh. “It’s great!”

You know who doesn’t think it’s so great? Horace’s greedy family members, all of whom enter his hospital room just in time to meet their “new stepmom… and new boss.” So, what does the future hold in an inevitable (but not yet officially ordered) Part 3?

“I know what’s going to happen, so I’m trying hard not to say anything,” Williams says. “But yes, it’s definitely just the beginning of what she’s about to get into.”

What did you think of Beauty in Black‘s explosive return? Hit PLAY on the exclusive video above for a look into Kimmie’s journey, then grade Part 2 in our poll below and drop a comment with your full review.

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