Axiom and Matt Hardy begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Matt delivers The Three Faces of Deletion to Axiom, then delivers a powerbomb to him and goes for a pin. Axiom kicks out, but Jeff Hardy tags in and Matt catapults Axiom into the bottom rope. Jeff follows it up with a leg drop and a dropkick, then delivers a stomp to Axiom and tags in Matt.
The Hardys double team on Axiom, but Frazer tags in and double teams on Matt with Axiom. Axiom and Frazer send The Hardys crashing out of the ring, and deliver a pair of tope suicidas to level them before Frazer flies over the top to level them one again and Axiom delivers a moonsault off the top to The Hardys.
Frazer gets Matt back in the ring and hits a suplex on him, then follows it up with a modified Blockbuster and tags in Axiom. Axiom wears down Matt with a submission hold, then tags Frazer back in. Frazer and Axiom land a double superkick on Matt, and Frazer follows it up with a standing moonsault.
Frazer wears Matt down with a submission hold, but Jeff tags in and delivers an Atomic Drop to Axiom. He lands a leg drop and a dropkick on him, then dumps Frazer out of the ring. Axiom catches Jeff in a Fujiwara Armbar, but Jeff escapes by pinning Axiom. Axiom kicks out and Jeff delivers a Falcon Arrow to him, then pins him again but Frazer breaks the fall. Frazer then looks to deliver a tope suicida to Matt on the outside, but Matt levels him with a Side Effect on the floor.
Matt makes the bind tag in, and Jeff lands a Stunner on Axiom. Matt immediately catches Axiom with a neckbreaker, then sets up for the Twist of Fate as Jeff ascends up the ropes. Axiom sends Matt crashing into Jeff, then tags in Frazer. Axiom then delivers a Spanish Fly to Jeff, and Frazer follows it up with a Phoenix Splash to him. He goes for a pin, but Matt sends Axiom crashing into the two men to break the fall.
Jeff connects with a kick on Frazer, then flies off the top rope to level both him and Axiom. He hits a Twist of Fate on Axiom and goes for a pin, but Aiom kicks out. Frazer rocks Jeff with a kick across his head, then tags in Axiom and ascends to the top. Frazer looks to fly, but Jeff gets his boots up. Axiom pins Jeff with a backslide, but Jeff kicks out. Axiom then ascends to the top and looks for The Golden Ratio off the top on Jeff, but Jeff avoids it and Axiom accidentally hits Frazer. Matt takes Frazer out with a Twist of Fate, and Jeff delivers a Swanton Bomb to Frazer for the win.
Winners (and still): The Hardys
We then head backstage and see Mickie James give some advice to Jaida Parker, telling her to make her own opportunities and take what she wants as “NXT” Stand & Deliver approaches on April 19.
Back at ringside, Roxanne Perez makes her way out. Jordynne Grace follows.